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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Morning Classes, A Turtle, and Pregnant?

This week I've been having the strangest dreams.

Last night, I had a dream that I was going to school with Dave and we were taking a class together. It was some sort of Indian-Asian class that had two Indian instructors with strong accents. We were watching a movie in class and Dave was snuggling up with some blonde bimbo on the couch. She kept rubbing herself closer to him and he kept trying to shove her off and was saying things like, "Wow. It must be nice to be kicking back with your feet up on a desk there." He was referring to the blonde bimbo that was sitting next to him on the couch. She had a desk in front of her to prop her feet on.

Then I went to hang up my coat on the coat hooks in the front of the classroom and when I went back to my desk, it had toppled over. I guess my purse and backpack that were hanging on the back of the chair were too heavy for it to handle.

Then there was all this commotion outside in the hallway outside the classroom door. One of the students had come inside, had a turtle in his hand, turned his back toward the class, and tossed the turtle behind him like a bride would when she would toss the bouquet. Of course, it comes flying in my direction and I stepped back so it wouldn't hit me. It landed shell-side down in front of me and was flailing its little arms and legs around struggling to get up. So I flipped it over and jumped back so it wouldn't bite me.

Then it jumped to a scene where Dave and I had another class at 11am, but it wasn't the same class, so when we kissed each other bye, we just couldn't stop and I had to consider taking my classes at night so that we wouldn't keep doing that! We ended up being late for our classes.

The end.

There were some other weird dreams this past week, but now I can't remember them! Dangit! Oh wait... There was another dream I had where I was pregnant, but I still continued to take my birth control pills and it didn't affect the pregnancy in any way. I don't think I ever started "showing" at all. It was a short dream, but I remember breathing really heavily and really rapidly in real life sleep. So weird.

Makes me want to look up the interpretations of these dreams online or something.

We'll see what I dream of tonight...