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Monday, August 11, 2008

Gettin' Fit: Day 1

Hooray! I woke up early today, worked out, AND got to work on time! It's going to be a good week. Haha! =)

It must be those incredible Olympic athletes that have been giving me a little motivation to get my soft self off the couch and into the gym!

I wish I could swim as well as those freestyle swimmers! They have a great pool at the gym (XSport) and I'd love to take advantage of the entire length of it! I'd need a lifeguard present though. I'm not that strong of a swimmer. LOL!

Woohoo! Another hit!

Here's today's horoscope for me:

Wearing your feelings on your sleeve for all to see can be exhausting, but it also can draw you closer to those you love. You'd rather be less emotional now, communicating about ideas and philosophies instead of your changing moods. But sometimes it's healthy to simply express what's in your heart, even if it has no meaning or value outside of the current context of sharing.

Aaaaah. That was nice. =)