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Please feel free to click on the ads that I have added (below) from Google's AdSense! =) It's a revenue generator! And we all know that I could use the revenue! Thanks!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Wow. 2 Days in a row!

Here's my horoscope for today... Yet, another hit, rather than a miss! =)

Your expressed thoughts could take others for a ride, but just because an idea is far out doesn't always make it better. Instead of waxing philosophic or spinning tales of remote lands, try keeping your ideas closer to home. Talking about your feelings and your needs will encourage closeness between you and loved ones instead of increasing the distance.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Just thought I'd share... Facebook Status for today: "Libertine Venzuela thinks that there are just certain lines that you just should not cross. I don't care who you are. Be smart, considerate, & respectful. Thank You. =)."

That is all. Carry on...

Well, I should be the one to carry on. I was in the middle of writing my paper on An Inconvenient Truth. Ya know, that documentary with Al Gore talking about the moral imperative and Global Warming? Yes. That one.

It's for extra credit for my Bio class. And no, it's not because I'm an over-achiever, it's because I need to buy myself some insurance to secure a grade of an A for my transcripts! =)

My horoscope for today:

It's usually hit or miss when it comes to horoscopes and such, but today, it's a hit:

Everything seems like a big deal today, making you feel like there is a lot at stake. Fortunately, you are able to overcome your fears about love and step into the current situation with a healthy attitude. Remember, though, someone else may not share your current enthusiasm, but don't take it too personally. The fewer expectations you have now, the better it will be for everyone involved.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thanks to Wordle

This image describes my latest accident:

This image is brought to you by Wordle

Thanks to the site and Billy, for discovering the site!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

How many of me?
LogoThere are
or fewer people with my name in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Thanks for finding this, Leenie! =)

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July Accident... REALLY?!?!

Dave and I were "lucky" enough to start our holiday weekend with a lovely car accident on I-90, while heading up to Wisconsin.

This is my 3rd accident this year! WTF?! 1st one was on 2/12, 3rd one was on 4/4, and now this one happened today, exactly 3 months after my 2nd one.

Is there any way that my car can have the demons exorcised from it?

Jesus, take the wheel. (I borrowed that line from another blog I was introduced to. I'd credit the blog by including it's link here, but I don't know what it is right now... I'll have to find out on Monday.)

The only LUCKY part about the accident was that Dave and I came out alright. No cuts or bruises, just banged up from the jerking of our heads back and forth... and back and forth.

A Corolla in front of us locked up on their brakes because the 3 cars in front of him locked up on their brakes for no reason. They didn't end up hitting anyone in front of them, but for me and the pick-up truck behind me, it was too late.

With I-90 being under construction, in the area where the accident happened, there was no where to go, but forward. No shoulders were available to swerve into and the other lane wasn't clear to get into either.

I got a ticket for "Failure to Reduce Speed to Avoid An Accident," but was "given a break" since it was a holiday and didn't get my license taken away. The guy that rammed into me also got a ticket for the same reason. I got one since I hit the Corolla first, then the truck hit me. If the truck hit me first and then pushed me into the Corolla, then the truck driver would've been the only one to walk away with a ticket. He's even more fu¢ked because he was driving his work truck, while not being on work hours, which might be grounds for termination for him. I just hope that his company auto insurance isn't a pain in the ass to deal with. I'll leave all that up to my State Farm to deal with.

We never made it to Wisconsin. We were only planning on spending the day and evening there since we had to get back to feed the dogs. Without the tail lights in tact, we didn't think it was a good idea to drive up to WI and drive it back at night. So we just went to the next gas station to find duct tape to tape the lights on, and headed back to Naperville. I'd say we had about 20-25 minutes left to drive to get to Milton, WI... only to turn back around.

Fun times. Un-freakin-believable.

Here are pics of the damage:

Wonderful trunk shot from my camera phone.

This is a better shot since it's from Dave's phone. Reminds me that I need a new phone.

Wonderful front shot from Dave's phone.

Front shot... At least my license plate is still in tact. Barely. It's on with one screw.

This is the Corolla that was in front of me. Damage was only on bumper of his car, so not bad at all.

Another trunk shot. The tail lights are only attached by the wires. We had to tuck them into the trunk, bunjee'd the trunk door to the bumper (yes, i actually had a bunjee cord in the trunk!!) to drive to the next gas station to find duck tape to tape them back into place.

This is the pick-up truck that rammed into my car. This is his damage. It doesn't look so bad from this picture, but he was leaking coolant immediately.

Another view of his front.