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Monday, November 12, 2007

I find it hilarious...

As I'm sitting here, catching up on my missed Grey's Anatomy episodes, I'm thinking about how hilarious it is that someone actually thinks that I will walk away with nothing.

I spent YEARS busting my ass working (a few jobs at a time) and enduring living at home with my mom for a few years after college to save up for a house. I scrounged up $5K as an initial down payment, then took out an earnest money loan for $7,125 to cover the rest of the down payment, paid $6,125 of that loan (the 1K of that, came from the other party) and yet, all of a sudden, I'm not "entitled" to that money because ~I'M~ the reason this is happening in the first place??

First of all, me trying to get rid of the property in Aurora with the ex-fiance, is a BUSINESS transaction and should NOT include any PERSONAL/EMOTIONAL matters in those transactions. So me wanting to leave the engagement and the house, have absolutely NOTHING to do with what I'm entitled to or not entitled to.

Here's a nice little wake-up call (or maybe we can call it a rude awakening) for those who think that I'm not entitled to MY share of money... Okay, make sure you're sitting down for this...

No matter what sort of transactions take place, whether I get bought out of the property, or if we put the place on the market, I WILL be getting MY share of money, whether it's the full amount of what escaped from my own wallet, give or take a few hundred or a few thousand, it doesn't matter. I'm walking away with something PERIOD. There is no LEGAL WAY that I will walk away with zero, just because of a personal opinion that I don't "deserve" to walk away with anything. It's a completely ridiculous thought. And to compare it to an "early withdrawl penalty" just makes me laugh even harder.

Now, i realize that everyone's entitled to their opinions, but when it comes to opinions that have no substance or foundation, and are just based from maliciousness, revenge, or even based from opinions of their friends, it almost negates the entitlement.

If research was done BEFORE his mouth even opened to puke out such garbage, I wouldn't be venting via this blog right now...

Here are the facts in BOLD:
Both names are on the property therefore, each party are entitled to 50% of the property. You can ask any attorney, mortgage lender, or average Joe or average Jane, and it would be the same answer each time. The 2 people that are on the loan each get 50%.

If anything, I'm STILL getting screwed by him getting 50% when I put in over 10K and he put in 4K. So in a sense, him saying "We wouldn't be here in this situation, if it wasn't for you." is TRUE... We wouldn't even be in the house if I didn't have that money to fork up in the first place, but now, things are different. Things change, you fucking adjust and adapt. I just want OUT, so i can move on with my freakin' life!

I literally, financially and emotionally, cannot tolerate paying for and living in that house anymore.

I just got news that he got approved for a loan to buy me out. He just has to come up with money for the appraisal, which he'll get back at the closing. Woohoo! I'm that much closer to being O to the U to the T! =)

Thanks for the vent.

More soon...