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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Random thoughts...

Things have been slowing down at work, so I thought I'd take the time to blog, since I haven't blogged in a while.

Hmm. Blog, blogged, blogging. Such a funny word. Let's move on...

This year's Christmas with the family will be in Milton, Wisconsin at my cousin's house. Usually we draw names for secret santas over the Thanksgiving holiday, but since this year's turnout was a bit smaller than usual, we didn't end up drawing names... So, I came up with this "solution" for us. I figured the peeps that are in my generation would bring booze to the party... The older folks can choose to exchange gifts if they want to, and everyone will just buy gifts for the kidlets! =) So far, it sounds like a grand idea to my mom and cousin (and hopefully everyone else! LOL!) since we're all broke this year... We can all just enjoy each other's company w/o the stress of gift-shopping, or selling our eggs or plasma, turning to prostitution or shoplifting. LOL!

On other notes, life is good. I found a man (ahem ahem, Dave) who loves me and takes such incredible care of me... especially during my rough times. I really don't know what I would do without him. He's my sunshine, my rock, my comedian, my bear, my best friend, my love.

I've waited a long, long time for him. I guess I had to go through the relation-shits first to build a stronger foundation of the better person I am today...learn the life lessons of what to do and what not to do. He has definitely been worth the wait! That's fo' daym sho'!

My living situation is still a cluster F. I still own property with the ex-fiancé, but haven't stayed there in over 2 months. I've been staying at Dave's place and so far, it's been fantastic! :D Oh! Which reminds me that I need to go home and get more clothes at some point tonight... if the weather will allow me to!

Ok, back to the Aurora property... This past Saturday, I just got news from my realtor that wasn't really a shocker, but it was still bad news nonetheless. He basically told us that the comparable properties around us are listed for much less than what we had paid for it, renting it out would be very unlikely since the rental prices for those places are running at no more than $1600 and our mortgage is WELL above that... another option is a short sale, which, I don't want to resort to. So, that brings me to this thought: I'm going to try to pay some debt off, and see if I can get approval to buy the ex-fiancé out, have Dave move in and rent, and have Jillian move in and rent... Although, with Jilly, it might be a hard sell. She works in Bartlett and it would be pointless for her to further her commute while paying rent... Or I can look for a 3rd person to rent, if it came down to that. Basically, what needs to happen is that the mortgage needs to be split between 3 peeps. (I would take the bulk of it) and the 2 paying rent would be about the same. This can go on for a while until the market picks up and I can actually get the place listed and either break even or get a little something back.

It just breaks my heart that my savings of $11K that was put into the place (and them some) would be completely gone if I had to short sale or list the house at almost nothing... There has to be other options out there, but the 3 ppl situation thing is the only thing that's coming to mind... Anyone else have any other suggestions? Anyone want to live with me & Dave in Aurora? LOL!

If I step back and think about it all, it's really not all that bad. Yeah, it's frustrating on a day to day basis, especially during the days that my mortgage check is in the mail and will be posted... and wondering if my checking account is in the negatives, but in the grand scheme of things, if I didn't decide to leave my engagement behind, I wouldn't have met the man of my dreams. I know, I know. Mushy gushy! But it's true! =)

Hmm. What else do I have for ya... This past weekend was fun fun fun! Minus the hour of bad news with my realtor...

Let's see. Last Friday (12/7) was the Midwestern University Winter Formal at the Carlisle in Lombard. It was a blast! Ate yummy food, had some good laughs at the dinner table and on the dance floor, danced to romantical-like songs while looking into each others eyes all googley-eyed, sweat 'til we couldn't sweat no mo'! Did I mention I went with Dave? It was his school's dance. LOL! Oh, another thing to add on the list of "Things To Do" is to upload those pictures! Ha! Sheesh, by reading this, one would think I have A.D.D.

So, last Saturday, I finally met Dave's BFF, Paula (aka dirty pirate hooker), and immediately we hearted each other. Hooray! :D It's refreshing to know that there are others out there that can be as raw and uncensored and unfiltered as much as humanly possible! AND best of all, I got her to snort a couple times and she forced the nerd laugh outta me! If I could spell out the sound of my nerd laugh, I would, but I'd rather not try it. HAHA! Oh, and I grabbed her left tit at some point in the night, but it wasn't remarkable enough for her to remember THAT part! LOL!

Sunday, Dave and I went to the Egg Factory up north and had the most incredible breakfast i've EVER had. Ugh. I'm salivating as I'm typing... Then we head over to his dad's place up in Wheeling and helped his dad out with things around the house since his dad's left leg is being held together with pins and screws. Well, there was VERY little for me to help out with, other than hand Dave the tape measure and occasional chunks of insulation, so I sat on the couch, chatted it up with his dad while enjoying Gomez in the background, flipped through a Ducati book, watched a couple movies, tried to complete a crossword puzzle with Dave while watching a movie, had a few smokes with Dave and his dad... Then, the grand finale was Mr. Schmitz cooked us a yummy dinner of swiss steaks, mashed taters, and buttered italian bread. Mmm Mmm Mmm! :P His dad cracks me UP! I see Dave picked up a lot of great things from him. His humor, the way he tells stories, the way he hums and sings around the house... it tugs at the heart strings, really. LOL

K, i think that's all I have at the moment... Until next time... Smooches! :-*

Monday, November 12, 2007

I find it hilarious...

As I'm sitting here, catching up on my missed Grey's Anatomy episodes, I'm thinking about how hilarious it is that someone actually thinks that I will walk away with nothing.

I spent YEARS busting my ass working (a few jobs at a time) and enduring living at home with my mom for a few years after college to save up for a house. I scrounged up $5K as an initial down payment, then took out an earnest money loan for $7,125 to cover the rest of the down payment, paid $6,125 of that loan (the 1K of that, came from the other party) and yet, all of a sudden, I'm not "entitled" to that money because ~I'M~ the reason this is happening in the first place??

First of all, me trying to get rid of the property in Aurora with the ex-fiance, is a BUSINESS transaction and should NOT include any PERSONAL/EMOTIONAL matters in those transactions. So me wanting to leave the engagement and the house, have absolutely NOTHING to do with what I'm entitled to or not entitled to.

Here's a nice little wake-up call (or maybe we can call it a rude awakening) for those who think that I'm not entitled to MY share of money... Okay, make sure you're sitting down for this...

No matter what sort of transactions take place, whether I get bought out of the property, or if we put the place on the market, I WILL be getting MY share of money, whether it's the full amount of what escaped from my own wallet, give or take a few hundred or a few thousand, it doesn't matter. I'm walking away with something PERIOD. There is no LEGAL WAY that I will walk away with zero, just because of a personal opinion that I don't "deserve" to walk away with anything. It's a completely ridiculous thought. And to compare it to an "early withdrawl penalty" just makes me laugh even harder.

Now, i realize that everyone's entitled to their opinions, but when it comes to opinions that have no substance or foundation, and are just based from maliciousness, revenge, or even based from opinions of their friends, it almost negates the entitlement.

If research was done BEFORE his mouth even opened to puke out such garbage, I wouldn't be venting via this blog right now...

Here are the facts in BOLD:
Both names are on the property therefore, each party are entitled to 50% of the property. You can ask any attorney, mortgage lender, or average Joe or average Jane, and it would be the same answer each time. The 2 people that are on the loan each get 50%.

If anything, I'm STILL getting screwed by him getting 50% when I put in over 10K and he put in 4K. So in a sense, him saying "We wouldn't be here in this situation, if it wasn't for you." is TRUE... We wouldn't even be in the house if I didn't have that money to fork up in the first place, but now, things are different. Things change, you fucking adjust and adapt. I just want OUT, so i can move on with my freakin' life!

I literally, financially and emotionally, cannot tolerate paying for and living in that house anymore.

I just got news that he got approved for a loan to buy me out. He just has to come up with money for the appraisal, which he'll get back at the closing. Woohoo! I'm that much closer to being O to the U to the T! =)

Thanks for the vent.

More soon...